The first storyline of Pynchon's V. centers around Benny Profane, a disenchanted sailor. Benny becomes entangled in the lives of a group of eccentric individuals known as the Whole Sick Crew. Profane navigates a chaotic, absurd world filled with bizarre characters and strange occurrences. He often finds himself in peculiar and humorous situations.
The second storyline revolves around Herbert Stencil, an aspiring writer who is obsessed with uncovering the enigmatic identity of a woman known only as V. Stencil's quest takes him on a journey across various locations and historical periods. His voyages range from Egypt to Europe, as he encounters a cast of peculiar and often mysterious characters.
V. explores themes such as identity, history, paranoia, and the nature of knowledge. It delves into the fragmented nature of human existence and the elusive nature of truth. The narrative weaves historical events, conspiracy theories, and a sense of absurdity to create a sprawling and intricate tapestry.